Keying Components

A decorator for `h` to allow keying components (when using JSX)

You have a component:

const Something = props => (
    <div class="something">
        {/* ... complex stuff ... */}

And you use it in your view:

const view = (state, actions) => <main>
    <Something foo={bar} />
    <Something baz={bing} />

Now, let's say you realize you need to key your components for some reason -- so you do:

const view = (state, actions) => <main>
    <Something foo={bar} key="fookey"/>
    <Something baz={bing} key="barkey" />

On it's own, this doesn't work. Not without updating the implementation of the component. Because <Something ...> doesn't represent a vnode in itself: it's only a call to a function which returns a vnode. And that vnode is where you want the key.

So the component implementation needs to change to:

const Something = props => (
    <div class="something" key={props.key}>
        {/* ... complex stuff ... */}

It is the context in which the component is used which determines wether or not keys are needed. The key={props.key} we added is not always required. It is not relevant to the internal logic of the component. One might even argue it's wrong to put it there. At least, I know it annoys me when I have to do it ;)

Could we make it so that keying any component automatically adds the key to the top vnode it returns?

Why, yes -- we can! At least when using JSX, because <Something key="foo" />, compiles to h(Something, {key: 'foo'}), where h is configured with the jsx pragma /** @jsx h */ at the top of your file.

So let's replace Hyperapp's h with our own:

import {h as _h, app} from 'hyperapp'

function h (name, props, ...children) {
    const node = _h(name, props, ...children)
    if (typeof name === 'function') node.props.key = props.key
    return node

/** @jsx h */

// Now keys on JSX components are automatically
// set on their top vnodes
// ...

This trick works even if you're not using JSX, of course. You just need to make sure to use your h to call the component-function: h(Something,{key:"foo"}) rather than the straightforward Something({key:"foo"})