October 26, 2018Cross-namespace Action-callingHow can an action in a namespace (a k a "slice") call an action outside the namespace?
February 24, 2018InitializationA useful convention and pattern for initialization-time side-efffects, such as listening to browser events or subscribing to websockets.
February 10, 2018MemoizationAn optimization technique for faster renders and making sure `onupdate` is only called when something actually changed.
February 02, 2018Modular AppsThe key to building maintainable, large-scale apps is to break them down into small self-contained & reusable modules. But how?
January 29, 2018Static VNodesOptimization technique for faster rendering when you've got a lot of static html
January 24, 2018Utility ActionsGeneric actions and their uses
January 24, 2018Decorator ComponentsJSX-compatible pseudo-components which modify their children
January 19, 2018Stateful ComponentsStateful components with hyperapp - how to do it, and when you might want to.
January 14, 2018Keying ComponentsA decorator for `h` to allow keying components (when using JSX)